Virucidal effectiveness test
Testing the virucidal effectiveness of chemical disinfectants is a process that requires a specialized laboratory and qualified personnel. We assess effectiveness against viruses on strains identified as model in individual methodologies. The research process itself is very time-consuming and complicated. For testing, we use a specially bred and maintained cell line, and the research is performed on live human cells, e.g. lung epithelial cells. We infect these cells with viruses during the study. As a result of infection, cells die. The test also takes into account the cytotoxicity of a given preparation. If the preparation turns out to be cytotoxic, i.e. it also kills cells in addition to the pathogen, its biocidal effectiveness becomes impossible to determine. This usually happens in the case of very strong preparations containing at least several active substances. Interestingly, in this respect, products based on hypochlorous acid turn out to be very delicate. The process of testing for virucidal effectiveness ends with statistical calculations and the development of a report based on the guidelines of a given methodology.
We perform virucidal effectiveness tests for producers for the purposes of registration at the Office for Registration of Biocidal Products. We also provide the service of registration at the Office
We test the virucidal effectiveness according to: following standards
PN-EN 14476+A2:2019-08 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity in the medical area – Test method and requirements (Phase 2/Step 1) The PN-EN 14476+A2:2019-08 methodology is applicable to products for hygienic hand disinfection by rubbing, hygienic hand washing, disinfection of tools by immersion, disinfection of surfaces by wiping and disinfection of textiles. Model strains in the full spectrum are viruses: Poliovirus type 1, Murine norovirus and Adenovirus type 5. In the limited spectrum: Murine norovirus and Adenovirus type 5, and in the range of enveloped viruses: Vaccinia virus (ATCC® VR-1549™). Additionally, we offer the possibility of conducting tests on a strain of human coronavirus marked: (HCoV-229E).
PN-EN 16777:2019-01 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative non-porous surface test without mechanical action for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in the medical area – Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) Research according to PN-EN 16777 methods refer to the assessment of the effectiveness of disinfection of non-porous surfaces, including the surface of medical devices, without mechanical action. The test strains are: Murine norovirus, Adenovirus type 5 and Vaccinia virus. Polio virus cannot be tested using this methodology. Disinfection products with a full virucidal spectrum must also be tested according to: PN-EN 14476+A2:2019-08 methodology.
PN-EN 17111:2018-12 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of virucidal activity for instruments used in the medical area – Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) The PN-EN 17111:2018-12 standard is used in testing products intended for disinfection of tools, and the model strains (<40°C) are Murine norovirus and Adenovirus type 5, in a limited spectrum (>40°C): parvovirus, while the effectiveness against enveloped viruses is tested on the Vaccinia virus strain.
PN-EN 14675 :2015 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area – Test method and requirements (Phase 2, step 1) This standard refers to products used in the field of veterinary medicine, feeding, breeding, production, transport and disposal of all animals, excluding slaughter as a preliminary phase of food processing and introduction to the processing industry. The test strain for the veterinary standard is Bovine enterovirus Type 1.
PN-EN 17122:2020-04Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area – Test method and requirements – Phase 2, step 2 This document specifies the test method and minimum requirements for the virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants that are in a homogeneous, physically stable form when diluted with hard water or, in the case of ready-to-use products, water. This document refers to products used in the veterinary field for disinfection, without mechanical action, of non-porous surfaces, i.e. in feeding, breeding, production, veterinary care facilities, transport and disposal of all animals, excluding slaughter as a preliminary phase of food processing and introduction to the processing industry. Using this document it is possible to determine the virucidal activity of undiluted products. Porcine Parvovirus is used in this document because the Bovine Enterovirus E virus (formerly Bovine Enterovirus Type 1 (ECBO)) used in the EN 14675 suspension test cannot be used for surface testing due to loss of titer on drying. Porcine Parvovirus has comparable resistance to ECBO virus.
EN 17430 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Hygienic handrub virucidal – Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 2); German and English version prEN 17430:2019
For an offer to test the virucidal effectiveness of preparations intended for disinfection, please contact the Customer Service Office by phone: 22 379 25 20 or
The use of virucidal preparations
As the first commercial laboratory in the country, we have introduced testing of the virucidal effectiveness of preparations intended for disinfection into our offer. The tested and confirmed effectiveness of disinfectants against viruses is particularly important in the medical area. Every day, patients and staff encounter many pathogens that cause serious diseases. Another field in which virucidal agents cannot be missing is veterinary medicine. Livestock buildings are an ideal environment for the development and transmission of diseases between animals. Livestock diseases are one of the key causes of farmers’ losses. Therefore, disinfection and prevention play a key role in this area.
Virucidal preparations during an epidemic
During the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, the virucidal effect of chemical disinfectants has become very important also in areas of everyday life. Biocides appeared in every home, industrial plants, shops and shopping malls. The effectiveness of this type of preparations is therefore a very important element in counteracting the pandemic. Only products whose effects have been confirmed by appropriate tests may be registered with the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products. Thus admitted to trading.